Meditative Therapy

Family constellations work is considered most effective in addressing concerns that are systemic in nature. These concerns might include family of origin issues, parent-child relationship difficulties, and intimate relationship challenges.

It is used as a potential therapy method for people who:

– Are seeking to address negative or harmful relationship patterns in their lives

– Want to be in a romantic relationship and are not aware of the hurdles

– Are attempting to resolve family entanglements and are clueless about the cause

– Want to overcome inner turmoil

– Have experienced significant trauma or loss

– Are in search of personal and professional success

Guided Relaxation Sessions
In these uncertain times, it is natural to feel a little confused, anxious and having that ‘not so sure’ feeling. In these sessions you are invited to a safe space of support, where you will be guided into recognizing certain physical and psychosomatic holdings and tensions in the body, and then eventually dropping them & letting them go in a very soft & loving way.

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